I really enjoyed the thought provoking question and the ideas shared by Sir Ken Robinson in his talk on "Do schools kill creativity?" What you have not heard of him? He is a creativity expert who challenges educators to cultivate creativity and teach to the multiple types of intelligence. Check out his talk below:
According to the Chinese philosopher, Confucius, schools are supposed to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. In my opinion, each student is unique and talented in different areas and they learn in different ways. A teacher should learn who their students are, how they learn and what motivates them. An inspiring teacher inspires their students from within! As I begin the new academic year, I pledge to foster creativity and motivate my students by first learning who they are and designing a learning environment that supports their learning.
Interested in listening to more? Check out these TED Talks on Education.
Now I would like to hear from you. What will you do to foster creativity among your students?