Showcase or Presentation Portfolios are a compilation of exemplary work and student skills that demonstrate a student's knowledge, skill, and/or abilities. A well designed and executed showcase portfolio will be a powerful marketing tool conveying to potential employers detailed information and illustrating examples of their completed work. Electronic portfolios are becoming increasingly instrumental for students making the successful transition from life as a college student to a professional career.
Your resume not only reflects you, your achievements, skills, and abilities, but your professionalism and personality. What is professionalism? Many people mistake professionalism as dressing in a suit and carrying a briefcase. Rather, Merriam-Webster defines professionalism as "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person." Professionalism is not one item but rather a combination of qualities. Regardless of the industry or job, there are common qualities that are recognized as professional in nature. Employers expect new employees to conduct themselves with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and responsible, ethical, and team
oriented, and to possess strong communication, interpersonal,
and problem solving skills.
Showcase Elements:
- Student Information: name, contact information, major, minor, graduation date, etc. The student's name and email should be available on each and every page of a well-designed eportfolio regardless of the purpose of the document.
- Navigation (Table of Contents) and/or index: You need to ensure that viewers of your eportfolio can find the information they seek with as few as 3 -5 clicks of their mouse. Every page should have a navigation bar either across the top of the page or along the either the left or right side of the page.
- An introductory or personal statement: The home page or landing page should include include a well-written statement describing the purpose of the eportfolio. This statement should be a balance between professionalism and personal style.
- Resume: Similar to the classic one page resume, an online resume should be prepared with simple, clean typefaces (fonts). The online presentation should include an Adobe PDF version that includes a cover letter and the resume. A standard PDF version will enable a prospective employer to print a professional copy of your materials for review offline. Remember to place your most important achievements near the top of the page to draw immediate attention.
- Artifacts: Depending on the purpose of the showcase eportfolio, the student should provide a series of top-quality examples to illustrate the capabilities with software applications, leadership skills, and computer skills. The examples of student work (artifacts) might include word processing documents, images, illustrations, charts, spreadsheets, video, audio, etc.