Dr. Linda Ralston's Electronic Portfolio
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Introducing Dr. Ralston
Dr. Linda S. Ralston's Resume
Awards & Recognitions
MOOCs I have Known!
Video: Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Philosophy
Blogs: Reflections by Linda Ralston
Blog: eLearning Best Practices
Blog: eMarketing Best Practices
Blog: ePortfolios Best Practices
Blog: Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Blog
Computer Skills
Microsoft Office
PhotoShop Gallery
Photoshop Toolbox
Adjustment Layers
Flash Gallery
Flash 1
Flash 2
Creating Classic Tweens: Bouncing Balls
Shape Tweening Basics
Counting with Shape Tweening
Combining Raster & Vector Images
Flash Photo Gallery: Student Projects
University of Utah Courses
Accreditation Standards
Undergraduate B.S. Degree Requirements
Courses: Fall Semester
Courses: Spring Semester
Courses: Summer Semester
Course Resources & Tools
Canvas Learning Management System
Frequently Asked Questions
Hospitality Program & Resources
Careers & Internships
Hospitality Associations
Resort/Hotel Manager's Digest
Scholarship Opportunities
Tourism Cares Scholarship Program Announcement
Contact & Feedback Information
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Dr. Linda S. Ralston's Resume
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Dr. Linda Ralston