Bachelor's Degree Requirements &
Courses Taught that Fulfill these Requirements
Upper Division Communication & Writing Requirement (CW)

"All students who receive a Bachelor's degree are expected to have adequate writing and communication skills to clearly express themselves. Therefore, all students must take a lower-division composition course (WR) and an upper-division communication/writing intensive course (CW). When possible, the upper division writing course should be related to the student's major." (Source: topics/ general-education-requirements.php)
The following course was designed, developed and is taught each year by Dr. Ralston:
PRT 5610/6610 International Tourism: This course will be an investigation of current trends and issues in international tourism. The case study method will be used to examine issues from the perspective of the international tourist, the business manager, host community members, and government officials. Global tourism is a dynamic phenomenon influenced by global events and tourism demand, therefore the topics may vary.
The following course was designed, developed and is taught each year by Dr. Ralston:
PRT 5610/6610 International Tourism: This course will be an investigation of current trends and issues in international tourism. The case study method will be used to examine issues from the perspective of the international tourist, the business manager, host community members, and government officials. Global tourism is a dynamic phenomenon influenced by global events and tourism demand, therefore the topics may vary.
- Dr. Ralston teaches this course each spring semester
Diversity Requirement (DV)

"The Diversity requirement (DV) stands as a University of Utah commitment to develop and teach ways of thinking drawn from multiple histories and cultural heritages that shape the United States. The goal of this requirement is to extend cross-cultural understanding and encourage students to better consider ethical and social decisions from multiple perspectives." (Source:
The following course was designed, developed and is taught each semester by Dr. Ralston.
PRT 3310 Leisure Behavior and Human Diversity: This course explores leisure and recreation behavior and the social and psychological impact across a wide variety of dominant and non-dominant populations including: ethnicity, ability, gender, age, religion and nationality. This course fulfills the University diversity requirement.
The following course was designed, developed and is taught each semester by Dr. Ralston.
PRT 3310 Leisure Behavior and Human Diversity: This course explores leisure and recreation behavior and the social and psychological impact across a wide variety of dominant and non-dominant populations including: ethnicity, ability, gender, age, religion and nationality. This course fulfills the University diversity requirement.
- Dr. Ralston teaches this course each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
Upper Division International Requirement (IR)

"The Upper Division International Course Requirement will give students a broad base of knowledge about global issues and about global perspectives in a comparative context. It will introduce students to international frames of reference so that they may think critically about long-standing and newly emerging issues. It will help students accept and appreciate the interdependence of nations and the viewpoints of other nations, and give them the ability to communicate with people across international borders." (Source: Beginning Fall 2013, all students will be required to complete this requirement regardless of their entrance date.
The following courses were designed, developed and are taught each year by Dr. Ralston.
PRT 3610 The Global Citizen: This course will serve as a guide for international travelers and those desiring a career in the global marketplace. Students will learn to make responsible choices when planning and engaging in travel experiences regardless of the purpose of the international trip. The course will foster ongoing connections that build understanding and bridge culture differences, compassionate listening, conflict resolution and other skills necessary to promote cross-culture communication and responsible travel.
PRT 5610/6610 International Tourism: This course will be an investigation of current trends and issues in international tourism. The case study method will be used to examine issues from the perspective of the international tourist, the business manager, host community members, and government officials. Global tourism is a dynamic phenomenon influenced by global events and tourism demand, therefore the topics may vary.
The following courses were designed, developed and are taught each year by Dr. Ralston.
PRT 3610 The Global Citizen: This course will serve as a guide for international travelers and those desiring a career in the global marketplace. Students will learn to make responsible choices when planning and engaging in travel experiences regardless of the purpose of the international trip. The course will foster ongoing connections that build understanding and bridge culture differences, compassionate listening, conflict resolution and other skills necessary to promote cross-culture communication and responsible travel.
- Dr. Ralston teaches this course each summer semester. It is taught by Graduate Teaching Assistants during Fall and Spring Semester.
PRT 5610/6610 International Tourism: This course will be an investigation of current trends and issues in international tourism. The case study method will be used to examine issues from the perspective of the international tourist, the business manager, host community members, and government officials. Global tourism is a dynamic phenomenon influenced by global events and tourism demand, therefore the topics may vary.
- Dr. Ralston teaches this course each spring semester.