Alyssa Hammond, Associate Director of Undergraduate Career Services and Adjunct Professor at Bentley University observed that "good grades without a strong personal brand may not lead to immediate employment. This is one of the reasons that I am striving to incorporate assignments utilizing social media within several courses that I teach at the University of Utah. There are simple yet powerful ways that students can utilize projects that they have completed in their classes to demonstrate their ability to communicate, think critically, conduct research, and solve problems.
To help her students, Hammond created a social media course that focuses on building a personal brand through social media. "Students need to know how to use Twitter for their own personal branding because people are using it and really gaining a lot of notoriety," Hammond says. "The goal of this class is to give them a good education into what these various systems do from a branding perspective." Puja Shah, a recent graduate from Hammond's stated that "We were able to understand how it could benefit our own lives through branding on the web but also how social media can help companies to brand themselves." . . . "I know [this class] will be helpful to me as I enter the real world."
Check out Robin Fisher Roffer's 8 Steps to create a personal brand to jump start your career. This is a free recorded webinar (play on demand) filled with clear, actionable recommendations for establishing your brand and landing the job that will launch your career.
During this next phase of developing the eportfolio, I will highlight each of the social media channels and how students can establish their personal brand. Check back for upcoming posts on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, TripAdvisor, etc.