The University of Utah has established the Upper Division International Course Requirement to ensure that each undergraduate student with a broad base of knowledge about global issues and about global perspectives in a comparative context. The purpose of the requirement is intended to introduce students to international frames of reference so that they may think critically about long-standing and newly emerging issues. Each course that is approved for the International designation must have as its primary focus an international, transnational, or comparative focus that includes a variety of perspectives. Further the courses must focus on cross-border phenomena (borders conceived in the broadest sense: language, cultural, economic, political, etc) and on contemporary issues, or show how historical approaches are relevant to contemporary issues.
This session will provide a case study as to how two courses fulfill these standards and incorporate the use of social media to empower the students to reach out to a broader community to educate others on these issues. The online Global Citizen course targets the general student body whereas the hybrid International Tourism course targets students studying in the parks, recreation and tourism industry.
University of Utah International Course Content Criteria
- Course primarily has an international, transnational, or comparative focus that includes a variety of perspectives
- Course focuses on cross-border phenomena (borders conceived in the broadest sense: language, cultural, economic, political, etc)
- Course focuses principally on contemporary issues, or shows how historical approaches are relevant to contemporary issues.
The Global Citizen course serves as a guide for international travelers and those desiring a career in the global marketplace. Students learn to make responsible choices when planning and engaging in travel experiences regardless of the purpose of the international trip. The course fosters ongoing connections that build understanding and bridge culture differences, compassionate listening, conflict resolution and other skills necessary to promote cross-culture communication and responsible travel.
The International Tourism course investigates current trends and issues in international tourism. The course utilizes the case study method to examine issues from the perspective of the international tourist, the business manager, host community members, and government officials. Global tourism is a dynamic phenomenon influenced by global events and the demand for tourism, therefore the topics may vary from year to year.
This session we will highlight the resources available to support the topics of climate change, world peace, human rights, endangered species, intercultural respect, fair trade, sustainable and responsible travel, among others. Each example will illustrate how the students achieved the learning outcome through a variety of learning activities, such as, blogging for clean water in South Africa, pinning images to increase awareness of endangered species, tweet-chats to promote human rights, and “infographics” to advocate for fair trade practices and human rights. Participants will receive examples of assignment instructions, guidelines for student use of social media, and evaluation rubrics for the assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will able to:
- Define global citizenship.
- Identify two new uses of social media for increasing awareness for global issues, such as, climate change, fair trade, and human rights.
- Identify 2 free online resources for designing infographics. (Piktochart and Easel.ly)
- Describe the effectiveness of social media to actively engage students in global citizenship. (Use a Pre-test & Post-Test to measure effectiveness in addition to improvement of scores on assignments.)
Resources for Presentation:
- Color Slides
- Black & White Notes
- TweetPoll at http://twtpoll.com/nh7paasn6iallau
- Student Blog by Justin Cowan on Clean Water Crisis
- Dr. Ralston's Pinterest Page with Course Boards (Ecotourism, Endangered People, Endangered Species, Endangered Places, Global Citizenship, & Going Green is Easy)
- Piktochart: Drag-And-Drop Templates Galore
- Easel.ly: Theme-Based Drag-And-Drop With Objects
- TweetPolls
- Tagxedo: Word clouds with customized fonts and shapes
- Weebly.com/ WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor, Free, Privacy Options
- eduBlogs: WordPress powered blogging for educators.
- Wordle: Word clouds