Portfolios can be used for a variety of purposes by students, faculty, staff, and employers. Today, I will begin this blog by considering the benefits of having an ePortfolio for students.
- The reflective process of developing an ePortfolio provides an excellent opportunity to increase self-awareness of newly acquired knowledge and skills,
- increases self-confidence,
- a public display of self-expression and showcases their achievements,
- and motivates students to modify their learning goals and objectives in an effort to strengthen areas of weakness.
- This reflective process establishes a behavioral pattern (habit) that they may continue upon graduation.
- a central location for students to compile their academic projects, service,and learning outcomes from each of their courses completed at the university This serves to document past achievements and course work. A student's eportfolio becomes a catalog of their growth and achievements over the course of several years to demonstrate their competency and learning at the end of their college career.
- increased interactivity and accessibility will be the result of a well-designed eportfolio. Visitors to the eportfolio will be able to interact with the dynamic elements and elect the elements of most interest to them.
- a visual representation of their academic achievements that showcases their strengths for future teachers and potential employers.
- a portable tool that can edited by the student from anywhere in the world where they have access to the Internet.
- the integration of technology demonstrates the student's skill with current media and Internet related software applications.
- an opportunity to integrate peer/group projects and peer interaction demonstrating ability to work in teams.
- an opportunity to reflect on the application of new found knowledge during service-learning experiences.
- provides tangible evidence of learning achieved during prior work and/or volunteer service.
- evidence of assignments completed and goals achieved that may be used to demonstration of the fulfillment of prerequisites for courses.
- a global audience to market your capabilities and availability in color with minimal expense.
- an opportunity to integrate social media with the resume, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
- document the quality and quantity of your professional development.
- document volunteer experiences, study abroad activities, and past work experiences to qualify for educational credit.
- a concurrent presentation of examples of your completed works including writing, creative applications, audio visual presentations, and even dynamic animations demonstrating your own personal style without the cost of duplication typical of a printed portfolio.
- an opportunity to receive feedback from your audience if you include an online survey.

Regardless of purpose, portfolios document skills, knowledge and accomplishments through examples of work and reflection on learning outcomes. Every student should start an ePortfolio during their first semester in college and build upon it throughout their academic career. Contributing to your ePortfolio throughout your college experience will distinguish you among your peers. Why? Your ePortfolio will demonstrate your skills, knowledge, talent, and progressive improvement over your academic preparation and set you apart from the typical applicant. A resume and cover letter provides an introduction and generates curiosity regarding your potential as an employee. If you have developed an effective ePortfolio and provide the URL in the cover letter and resume, interested employers can view samples of your completed work and review your reflections concerning the learning outcomes you have accomplished in your academic preparation.